Engineering Golfing Society
Welcome to the web site of the Engineering Golfing Society. This is intended to provide information about the Society, and to allow members (password restricted) to access certain other details.
EGS centenary dinner
Christmas lunch at Woking Golf Club
The aim of the Society, as set out when the Presidents of the Institutions of Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers established the Society in 1907, is to enable professional engineers with a love of golf to meet in congenial surroundings. It is one of the oldest golfing societies in Britain.

The Society welcomes all chartered engineers. With over 80 members and a number of associate members, the Society now brings together engineers ranging from civil engineers, through aeronautical engineers and chemical engineers to naval architects.  The society is very keen to expand the number of lady members.

The Society meets five times a year on challenging courses. The annual subscription is £20. 

If you would like to be considered for membership, please contact the joint honorary secretary responsible for membership. Subject to prior agreement with the Secretary, potential members would be welcome to attend a fixture as a guest.  Application forms are available for download on the Contacts page.


If you have any questions about our society please contact either of the Joint Honorary Secretaries:


The Society and its history is detailed in Michael Dunn's centenary book, Engineering Golfing Society, published in 2010 and available through the Secretaries for £15.


EGS book
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